Blue Economy

Basic Information

Grant ID: K-128

Region: Middle East & North Africa

Country: Tunisia

Approval Year: 2018

Grant Year: Year 6

Amount Approved by Donor: $300000.00

Main Product Line: ASA

Sector: Environment

Grant start/completion: October 29, 2018~ May 31, 2021

Grant Status: Closed

TTLs: Martin Heger (Senior Environmental Economist)

Grant Activities

Project Summary:

The objective of this grant is to provide activities, increase investment in priority areas, and identify policy reforms that will benefit coastal resilience in Tunisia. The rise in sea level and increasing coastal storm surges has contributed to the degradation of coastal areas in Tunisia. The continuous increasing of coastal erosion is predicted to intensify the strain on coastal areas, thus requiring coastal management. This KGGTF grant will support activities that address priority concerns in the coastal areas of Tunisia, including innovation in coastal modeling. This action will further support sustainable financing as the preferred approach. Ultimately, this will enhance and strengthen the national capacity to integrate climate resilience into development planning, as well as scale and leverage climate resilience investments, whilst supporting ongoing initiatives.  

List of Activities:

  1. Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment - Establish the biophysical evidence base of hazards and associated risk profiles
  2. Coastal Resilience Investment Plans - Provide decision-makers with an investment plan for boosting resilience
  3. Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration - Inform decision-makers on tried-and-tested coastal resilience solutions from other countries in the region and Korea 


Output 1:

  • Identification of climate adaptation options, climate proofing of coastal infrastructure, policy-based national adaptation planning, eco-systems based adaptation 
  • Identification of investment priorities not only for the public sector, but also with a view to attract and involve the private sector either through direct investment or public-private partnerships

Output 2:

  • Increased investment readiness with the identification of the priority needs and sectors of intervention of relevance to coastal resilience management and development in selected hotspots, with an emphasis on the most climate-sensitive sectors

Output 3:

  • Regional & Korea-South consultation and dissemination events 


The expected outcome of the Project will be to help build the capacity of institutions in Tunisia and to conduct analytical work on a range of issues related to coastal areas. Moreover, the preparation of a selected number of investment plans in priority hotspots (as identified by the NDC and National Vulnerability Maps) will help both countries to demonstrate approaches for integration of climate risk and resilience into development policies and planning, strengthen capacities at the national level to integrate climate resilience into development planning; help scale-up and leverage climate resilient investment, building on other ongoing initiatives; and enable learning-by-doing and sharing of lessons at country, regional and global levels. The proposed grant proposal has been designed to feed into a multi-phase, multi-year technical assistance and investment program aiming at fostering an integrated approach to coastal zone management in Tunisia, foreseen to be financed by the World Bank and other development partners. 

Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:

  • Korean Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST)
  • Global Environment Facility (GEF)
  • ​​​​​​​Green Climate Fund (GCF)