Leveraging Technology for Uzbekistan’s Agricultural Modernization
Basic Information
Grant ID: K-134
Region: Europe and Central Asia
Country: Uzbekistan
Approval Year: 2019
Grant Year: Year 7
Amount Approved by Donor: $500000.00
Main Product Line: Lending
Sector: Agriculture
Grant start/completion: October 21, 2019~August 31, 2022 (Anticipated)
Grant Status: Closed
TTLs: Sergiy Zorya (Lead Agriculture Economist)
Grant Activities
Project Summary:
The objective of this grant is to pilot smart farming techniques for soil tests and fertility management and promote climate-smart agriculture for horticulture farmers under the proposed Agriculture Modernization and Competitiveness Project (AMCP). Uzbekistan’s agriculture strategy recognizes that restoring agricultural growth, which has dropped sharply in recent years, will require the delivery of a wide range of quality agricultural public services. They include applied agricultural research and development, advisory services, education, soil fertility improvement, environment protection, and climate change adaptation. Global experience shows that these public services are key to correct market failures and eventually accelerate agricultural transformation and shift this sector to a greener development path.
However, Uzbekistan is significantly exposed to climate hazards, and the adaptation capacity of the country’s agriculture has been assessed as weak. The Agriculture Modernization and Competitiveness Project (AMCP) aims at strengthening the delivery of selected agricultural services in Uzbekistan for supporting development of the export-oriented horticulture. This KGGTF funded program seeks to promote the practical application of innovations that can be demonstrated and scaled up within the context of the AMCP. The sharing of practical knowledge can be applied along with national programs to inform public expenditures, saving public funds by investing in modern equipment. KGGTF activities will also lead to improved competitiveness within the Uzbek agriculture sector.
This grant is linked to Lending ($500,000,000).
List of Activities:
- Technology and needs assessment
- Study tour/knowledge exchange
- Implementation of Pilot activities
- Evaluation and knowledge dissemination
Output 1:
- Assessment study identifying technology options and assessing national capacity
- Organizing a mapping event based on community participation and engagement
Output 2:
- Detailed design of pilots
- Study tour
Output 3:
- Pilots launched and operational
Output 4:
- Evaluation report and road map designed to scale up successful pilots
- Preparation of knowledge products and dissemination products
- Improved efficiency: The KGGTF activities will promote smart farming and contribute to increased efficiency in the utilization of land resources and the allocation of inputs for agricultural activities.
- Greater resilience: The KGGTF activities will promote increased resilience through the gains in agricultural productivity that can be achieved from the deployment of climate smart technologies that result in improved soil fertility and more efficient use of land and water resources. This can offset the expected negative impact on productivity and water scarcity expected from climate change.
- Increased competitiveness and inclusive development: KGGTF activities will lead to improved competitiveness within the agriculture sector by targeting the horticulture sector – which is a more efficient and less resource intensive sector than the traditional cotton/wheat sector - and the smallholder/dehkan farm sector, which has traditionally been neglected but represents a significant source of agricultural GDP.
Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:
- Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)
- Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA)
- Korea Rural Economic Institute (KREI)