Reducing Health Risks through Improvement of Air Quality in Bishkek City of the Kyrgyz Republic

Basic Information

Grant ID: K-155

Region: Europe and Central Asia

Country: Belarus Kyrgyz Republic

Approval Year: 2020

Grant Year: Year 8

Amount Approved by Donor: $350000.00

Main Product Line: ASA

Sector: Environment

Grant start/completion: June 18, 2021 – January 31, 2023

Grant Status: Active

TTLs: Kirtan Chandra SahooPaola Agostini

Grant Activities

Project Summary:

Kyrgyzstan suffers from the increasing deterioration of air pollution, with particular severity in Bishkek, where the global Air Quality Index (AQI) periodically hit the highest records in the winter of 2019-2020 and WHO Ambient Air Quality Guidelines for major pollutants are exceeded year-round. Health impacts from such degree of air pollution has become even more critical under COVID-19 pandemic and the number of deaths from COVID-19 related pneumonia has brought Kyrgyzstan to the top per 100,000 population in the world. Due to such pollution-related diseases, the estimated cost for the lost productivity in Kyrgyzstan stood at 24-31 million in 2015, undermining its labor force and labor productivity. Recognizing the impact of air pollution on its citizens’ health and economic growth, the government has developed a draft Action Plan for 2020-2023 for Bishkek and the adjacent two districts to address the major sources of elevated ambient pollution levels. Though it aims to tackle the root causes of coal-based household heating, transport, and waste incineration at dumpsites, there are still gaps in investment analysis and planning. Against this backdrop, this grant project aims to bridge these gaps and support the government by preparing the Air Quality Improvement Master Plan, which will include an investment plan to tackle those identified sources of air pollution and GHG emissions (solid waste management, development of urban green zones, energy/heating). 

List of Activities:

  • Developing an Air Quality Improvement Master Plan for Bishkek, including a comprehensive investment plan based on prioritizing, technological innovations and best practices, including experience of Korea 

  • Preparing pre-feasibility studies in selected sectors (e.g. solid waste management and energy efficiency) based on the prioritization of the proposed investments in the Master Plan  

  • Exchanging knowledge and raising awareness of air pollution through the establishment of a dialogue platform and national Task Force on air quality 


Output 1:

  • Analysis of the current situation of air pollution with focus on two major sources in energy and dumpsites;
  • Year-around air quality measurement data;
  • Air Quality Improvement Master Plan for Bishkek

Output 2:

  • Pre-feasibility Report for the energy and dumpsite rehabilitation for investments

Output 3:

  • National dialogue platform and task force on air quality established;
  • Exposure to Korean experience in green growth, focusing on waste management and energy efficiency.


The development of the Master Plan and pre-feasibility studies will improve efficiency and competitiveness by identifying the priority investment areas for cost-efficient interventions and entry points, as well as by assessing public-private partnerships in investment planning and promoting the participation of the private sector in green growth. Based on best examples and practices from Korea, the facilitation for a transition towards cleaner and more efficient technologies will help Kyrgyzstan to avoid further economic, health and productivity losses in the longer term. Furthermore, the proposed activities are expected to contribute to the reduction of air pollution and morality in the urban area, while the increased awareness of air pollution will lead to meaningful behavioral change.  

Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:

  • Ministry of Environment (MoE)
  • Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI). KEITI’s specialties in technologies of clean energy and solid waste management are expected to add significant values in developing the masterplan and feasibility study.
  • Korea Environment Corporation KECO)
  • Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG). SMG’s experience with regional development to address pollution issues in the Nanjido Eco-Industrial Park will be shared with clients in the knowledge exchange between the governments of Seoul and Bishkek to tackle problems of similar nature.