Quantifying Tradeoffs of the Water-Energy Nexus

Basic Information

Grant ID: K-23

Region: Middle East & North Africa

Country: Morocco

Approval Year: 2013

Grant Year: Year 1

Amount Approved by Donor: $300000.00

Main Product Line: ASA

Sector: Water

Grant start/completion: January 31, 2014 – December 31, 2016

Grant Status: Closed

TTLs: Diego Juan Rodriguez

Grant Activities

Project Summary:

Morocco is leading by implementing green growth principles. This program is facilitating knowledge exchanges between the water and the energy sectors, advocating globally and region- ally for optimizing energy-water interdependency. Drawing from international experience in China, Korea, and South Africa, this program will develop models, a series of technical tools, and policy materials and guidance that will assist planners, energy specialists, and the private sector to integrate energy-water planning into green growth plans.

List of Activities:

  • Assessing economic and social tradeoffs in Morocco resulting from water, energy, and power expansion
  • Demonstrating the importance of integrated planning of energy, food, and water investments
  • Assisting the development of a water-energy nexus toolkit to contribute to the exchange of knowledge through collaborative platforms


Output 1:

  • 1-1. Summary of the rapid assessment study and work plan for implementation
  • 1-2. Preliminary results of implementation of integrated exercise
  • 1-3. Improved Energy-Water Nexus Tools
  • 1-4. Case study implemented
  • 1-5. Final Report with findings of case study published

Output 2:

  • 2-1. Strategy document shared
  • 2-2. Final publications produced and accordingly disseminated - including the tool, case study summary and policy recommendations (products will be prepared for different audiences –technical, sector specialists, high-level policy decision-makers)
  • 2-3. Training activities and workshops conducted (South to South knowledge exchange)
  • 2-4. Present the findings of the grant in the World Water Forum 2015 in Korea.


The program is expected to contribute to global knowledge through the Green Grown Knowledge Platform, thereby providing a water-energy nexus toolkit to help integrate water and energy resource planning.

Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:

  • Korean Environment Institute (KEI)
  • Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (KRIHS)
  • K-water
  • Green Growth Knowledge Platform