Metro Manila Citywide Slum Upgrading Project
Basic Information
Grant ID: K-39
Region: East Asia & Pacific
Country: Philippines
Approval Year: 2014
Grant Year: Year 2
Amount Approved by Donor: $350000.00
Main Product Line: ASA
Sector: Urban
Grant start/completion: September 29, 2014 – June 30, 2016
Grant Status: Closed
TTLs: Makiko Watanabe (Social Development Specialist)
Grant Activities
Project Summary:
Metro Manila is home to 12 million people, accounting for one-third of the population of the Philippines, and half of the country’s economic output. Regular flooding affects 2.4 million in Manila, creating an urgent need for safe shelters for the city’s 100,000 informal settler families. To promote inclusive growth and bolster flood resilience, KGGTF’s USD $350,000 program supports citywide development under the National Informal Settlement Upgrading Strategy. Piloted in three of seven cities in Metro Manila, and reaching 400,000 citizens living in vulnerable slums, a citywide shelter plan will guide new construction and create jobs. Participatory, community-led planning, mapping, and surveying approaches also will empower residents. Once tested, authorities can replicate the program in other cities. Partners already supporting the KGGTF program include the Asian Coalition for Housing Rights.
List of Activities:
- Conducting spatial mapping and socio-economic profiling of all informal communities in the city (or district/village) overlaid with hazard maps
- Building a citywide shelter development plan based on supply (land, subsidy, other financing) and demand-side (shelter needs, affordability etc.) analyses and prioritization of communities based on a clear set of criteria
- Planning community-driven slum upgrading project for priority communities in each pilot city
- Establishing or revitalizing a platform for government-CSO-private sector collaboration
- Providing capacity building for the key stakeholders
Output 1:
- 1-1. CDA concept paper developed.
- 1-2. Pilot city profiled developed.
- 1-3. CDA operational guidelines and tools developed.
- 1-4. Functional project management system established.
Output 2:
- 2-1. CDA strategy developed and approved by the LGUs in each pilot city.
- 2-2. Achievement of interventions prioritized in each pilot city’s CDA strategy.
Output 3:
- 3-1. Rapid assessment of pilot cities’ CLUPs and CDPs conducted.
- 3-2. CLUPs and CDPs revised and approved by the LGUs.
Output 4:
- 4-1. CDA training materials developed.
- 4-2. CDA experts mobilized to provide guidance to the Project.
- 4-3. Exchange visits conducted.
- 4-4. Knowledge products developed.
- 4-5. Dissemination workshops held at the LGU and national levels.
The outcomes of this project are intended to establish the Citywide Development Approach to Informal Settlement Upgrading (CDA) as a viable solution for reducing vulnerability and improving the resiliency of flood-affected informal settlers in Metro Manila. The CDA will allow the Government to address the informal settlement issue at scale in a timely manner by adopting a programmatic, decentralized, and highly participatory slum upgrading approach.
Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:
- Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (KRIHS)
- Asian Coalition of Housing Rights (ACHR)