Implementing Green Solution for Waste Management

Basic Information

Grant ID: K-44

Region: Latin America & Caribbean

Country: Argentina

Approval Year: 2014

Grant Year: Year 2

Amount Approved by Donor: $400000.00

Main Product Line: ASA

Sector: Urban

Grant start/completion: July 29, 2014 – November 30, 2016

Grant Status: Closed

TTLs: John MortonCatalina Marulanda

Grant Activities

Project Summary:

To support LAC regional initiatives that have already reduced open dumps by an estimated 20% in the last decade, KGGTF’s two-year USD $400,000 program is providing technical assistance to review global case studies and select best practices in greening solid waste management. Working with Colombia and Argentina, the program team will produce options to help authorities make strategic decisions, policies, and investments. The program will also help countries put lessons learned into practice. This includes improving data resources for solid waste management, creating national green solid waste management investment programs, modeling management packages, creating source segregation and collection systems and providing training for food waste management.  

List of Activities:

  • Creating an enabling environment for financing of green solutions in solid waste
  • Adapting and Implementing Green Solid Waste Management Technical Solutions with a focus on providing technical assistance to municipalities in the exploration and implementation of pilot solutions on the ground
  • Improving Data Resources on solid waste management systems to support better and more sophisticated decision-making on technology choice


Output 1:

  • Final portfolio with step by step documents that can be replicated for other SWM projects

Output 2:

  • National governments informed on opportunities for future investments in green solid waste solutions

Output 3:

  • Final portfolio with adapted programs that apply to the local situations

Output 4:

  • Implementation of 1 source segregation and collection program in Argentina

Output 5:

  • Informed sectorial country profile with recent data collection


This project, based on knowledge-building activities to implement policies, programs and technologies, will contribute to resource recovery, efficiency and waste minimization. Particularly, optimization of waste collection routes with GPS technology will benefit from input by the ICT sector in designing computer programs that can be included in the tool-kit for collection optimization, as well as any other innovative applications that could be developed to improve collection efficiency throughout the waste collection process.

Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:

  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
  • Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
  • JICA