Investments in Environmental Management and Green Growth
Basic Information
Grant ID: K-63
Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Country: Peru
Approval Year: 2015
Grant Year: Year 3
Amount Approved by Donor: $430000.00
Main Product Line: Lending
Sector: Environment
Grant start/completion: 9/13/2015 ~ 12/30/2017
Grant Status: Closed
TTLs: Ismael Fernando (Advisor to Executive Director)Loayza Careaga
Grant Activities
Project Summary:
The project aimed to support Peruvian policies related to environmental sustainability and aquaculture management. Peru is plagued by poor air quality in urban areas, indoor air pollution, water and sanitation problems, deforestation, and overfishing, but hopes to strengthen its natural resources management policies in an effort to boost environmental stability, poverty alleviation, and economic growth. This World Bank KGGTF-funded green growth implementation program would support two Peruvian policies related to environmental sustainability and aquaculture management. By improving the country’s analytical capacity and environmental regulatory framework, in addition to investigating how best to modernize fisheries, this program aims to restore public trust in the government’s ability to manage natural resources into the long-term. Armed with better information, the national Ministries of Environment and Production will be better able to support local governments in their efforts to manage environmental health.
List of Activities:
- Preparation of analytical work
- Presentation and discussion of results
- Incorporation of results into project design
- Start Project implementation
Output 1:
- Project Appraisal document (Bank) and the country receives 6 inputs on key environmental issues. Three technical studies will inform government policies and contribute to the design of the Project Appraisal Document.
Output 2:
- Ministry of Finance (MEF) and the Bank approved proposed investment projects
Output 3:
- Negotiation of the investment projects successfully completed
Output 4:
- Project implementation established
These activities directly supported the development of two large scale projects with outcomes defined in their project development objectives (PDOs). The PDO for the Peru: Investments for Environmentally Sustainable Development Project is to: (i) increase the quality, availability and reliability of environmental data to decision makers and civil society; (ii) improve mechanisms to identify and address environmental priorities at the local, regional and national levels, and, (iii) improve mechanisms for opening up decision making on environmental aspects to public scrutiny. Achievement of the PDO would be measured through the following results indicators: (i) laboratories certified by the reference laboratory (number); (ii) user perception (from a survey) of environmental data & information provided by SINIA; and (iii) annual report with identification of environmental priorities based on economic analysis of environmental degradation costs.
Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:
- WBG internal partners: GPSURR; GEEDR; GWADR
- K-Partners: The team will search for Korean Governmental Agencies and Research Centers with expertise in green growth policies, particularly in environmental management, solid waste management, extractive industries, and fisheries.
- Other external partners: Key stakeholders that are critical for effective environmental management and that will participate in this activity include:
- the Ministry of Environment (MINAM) and associated entities, namely, the National System for Environmental Certification of Investments (SENACE), the Environmental Evaluation and Fiscalization Agency (OEFA), and the National Service of Meteorology and Hydrology (SENAMHI);
- the Ministry of Production (PRODUCE) and its sub-agencies General Aquaculture Directorate of the Ministry of Production, the National Fund for the Development of Fisheries (FONDEPES), the Peruvian Marine Institute (IMARPE); the National Office of Marine Health (SANIPES) and the Technology Institute of Production (ITP);
- the Water National Authority (ANA) including Water Administrative Authorities (AAA ALA) and water service companies (EPS);
- sector authorities including the Ministries of Health (MINSA), Mines and Energy (MINEM), Production (PRODUCE), Housing, Construction and Sanitation (VIVIENDA);
- regional and selected local governments;
- the National Organization for the Defense of Competition and Intellectual Property Rights (INDECOPI) and
- public and private laboratories.