Strengthening Mexico’s Capacity for Integrated Solid Waste Management

Basic Information

Grant ID: K-76

Region: Latin America & Caribbean

Country: Mexico

Approval Year: 2015

Grant Year: Year 3

Amount Approved by Donor: $400000.00

Main Product Line: Dropped Lending

Sector: Urban

Grant start/completion: 10/6/2015 ~ 6/30/2017

TTLs: Renan Alberto Poveda

Grant Activities

Project Summary:

The project aimed to better manage solid and toxic waste in Mexico as one of the primary underpinnings of sustainable growth. Comprehensive and integrated solid waste management is one of the major challenges in Mexico affecting overall sustainable development and green growth potential. According to the National Basic Analysis for Integrated Waste Management, approximately 37.5 million tons of municipal solid waste is generated every year. Another challenge is the adequate treatment and disposal of more than 84 million tons of waste requiring special handling and 1.9 million tons of hazardous waste (HW).  Unfortunately the burden of pollution and public health risks associated with inefficient solid waste management falls on the extreme poor. In this green growth implementation program, the World Bank will provide technical and financial support to develop a national integrated solid waste management plan.

List of Activities:

  • Feasibility analysis to create a National Commission for SWM
  • Enhancement of PRORESOL through elaboration of simplified guidelines and review processes of PRORESOL; develop an information and communication technologies (ICT) platforms; Develop the technical underpinnings to enable financing integrated approaches to SWM; assess feasibility for adopting innovative management models for SWM
  • Green Landfill and Remediation Strategies through review of global cases studies and best practices; technical exchanges with key experts worldwide on dump and landfill closure; compare the legal and policy framework
  • Financial sustainability through south-south exchange and the development of local FS strategy
  • Recycling, Treatment and Waste Minimization Systems
  • E-Waste Management by providing a review of e-waste policy; conduct an in-depth analysis in countries where e-waste initiatives have been established; conduct life cycle analysis of selected ICT products; identify good models and practices in managing e-waste in the LAC region through south-south exchanges; analysis of the legal framework in Mexico of e-waste management and its comparison with another countries
  • Social inclusion through analyzing a number of successful social inclusion initiatives worldwide and assessing its applicability in Mexican municipalities; undertake workshops and south-south exchanges to learn from these specific examples; develop capacity building in social inclusion management for municipal governments; and provide technical assistance for micro-enterprises and cooperatives


Output 1:

  • Draft report assessing the feasibility of developing such commission in Mexico.

Output 2:

  • Package of draft documents for project implementation

Output 3:

  • Engagement with National Government
  • Package of draft documents for project implementation on landfill closure and remediation program
  • Technical exchanges with key agencies
  • Draft report considering technical criteria in order to conduct landfill closure and remediation program

Output 4:

  • Report on technical exchanges and applicability of financial sustainability models in key municipalities
  • Strategy developed for undertaking capacity building at a national scale

Output 5:

  • Package of draft documents for project implementation on recycling, treatment and waste minimization systems
  • Knowledge transfer completed considering at least innovative approaches waste minimization and recycling schemes

Output 6:

  • Package of draft docs for project implementation on e-waste management
  • Knowledge transfer completed considering at least few innovative approaches e-waste management

Output 7:

  • Package of draft docs for project implementation on social inclusion
  • Knowledge transfer completed considering at least innovative approaches to social inclusion.
  • Training delivered to state and municipal public officers on social issues, and the implementation of tailored social assessments and social inclusion plans
  • Training and technical assistance


The proposal would contribute to the preparation of the proposed Bank financed operation, and to enabling key conditions for its adequate implementation during 2016. The expected outcomes of institutional strengthening includes a detailed feasibility report analysis of design options for the creation of the National Commission for Solid Waste Management. The expected outcome of the investment on SWM would be the development of technical exchanges and a report analyzing the most suitable alternatives for closure and remediation of landfill sites and open dumps. All the materials resulting of these technical international exchanges and knowledge will provide the basis for properly guiding and implementing the investments of the proposed Bank financed operation on green and inclusive growth, including social inclusion schemes, e-waste management systems, waste minimization and recycling systems and financial sustainability.

Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:

  • WBG internal partners: the proposed activities would be developed in close collaboration with IFC, given its role with private participation in SWM systems in Mexico.
  • K-Partners: The following agencies and corporations have been identified as potential partners for the implementation of the proposed grant as key sources for technical exchanges:  the Ministry of Environment of Korea, the Environment and Resources Corporation, the Environmental Management Corporation, and the Sudokwon Landfill Site Management Corporation. 
  • Other external partners:  The following agencies have been identified as potential external partners which could provide in-kind contributions and collaboration (Mexico’s Secretariat of Environment (SEMARNAT), the National Infrastructure Bank (BANOBRAS)); and which could provide technical knowhow and expertise (GIZ, Argentina’s Secretariat of Environment, Argentina’s Coordinación Ecologica Area Metropolitana Sociedad del Estado (CEAMSE), the Ministry of Environment of Morocco, the Ministry of Environment in Colombia, and the Brazilian Business Commitment for Recycling CEMPRE).