TTL: Paola Agostini (Lead Natural Resources Management Specialist), Environment & Natural Resources GP
Drylands in Central Asia are exposed to extreme weather events and natural disasters caused by climate change and human activities such as agriculture, logging, and pasturing. The region is suffering from low productivity and poor resilience of road and infrastructure due to degradation, erosion, and loss of vegetation land. Resilient Landscapes in Central Asia (RESILAND CA+) seeks to help affected rural communities in restoring landscapes, protecting lives and livelihoods, and increasing resilience to desertification, landscape degradation and climate change.
KGGTF Year 8 Grant – Promoting Forest Information and Communication Technology in Uzbekistan – supported the preparation and implementation of the IDA-financed Uzbekistan Resilient Landscape Restoration Project in the poor and degraded mountain areas. The project aims to introduce disruptive forest ICT and build a data-based sector management system for forest restoration.
The World Bank's RESILAND CA+ program (financed by IDA, PROGREEN, KGGTF, and KWPF) team was invited to the XV World Forestry Congress to present at the Landscape Partnership Asia: Restoring Drylands and Drought-Prone Areas side event and discuss the importance of restoring drylands and drought prone areas in Central Asia. Landscape Partnership Asia (LPA) partners and guests joined a panel discussion on the importance of forest landscape restoration for achieving land degradation neutrality by 2030, in Asia and beyond.