The Korea Green Growth Trust Fund (KGGTF) leaps out as a unique trust fund devoted to green growth
and sector-neutral approach to global challenges within the World Bank. The recently launched KGGTF
Annual Report 2021 signifies its continued efforts to build on the 10-year legacy of promoting green
growth and Green, Resilient, and Inclusive Development (GRID). The report features KGGTF activities,
performances, and impacts in 2021. 17 KGGTF Impact Stories including 4 Up and Coming Grant Stories
show how the KGGTF supported to incorporate disruptive technologies and transparent governance
models in addressing intertwined global issues such as food security and agriculture, drought resilience,
solid waste management, renewable energy, and sustainable urban transport.
Since its inception, funds disbursed by KGGTF have leveraged over $17 billion in World Bank lending and
external co-financing, representing a huge impact of $173 in lending for every $1 invested. In 2021,
KGGTF awarded 15 new grants totaling over $10 million across 22 countries. The KGGTF portfolio has
increased to a total of over $98 million supporting 180 grants around the world.
Download the KGGTF Annual Report 2021.
Watch a trailer video which outlines the KGGTF Annual Report 2021.