Digital technologies can play a crucial role in climate change mitigation and adaptation in sectors such as energy, urban, transport, and agriculture. Countries around the world are heavily investing in information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure to drive the Fourth Industrial Revolution. However, rapid digital transformation also brings challenges as it increases the use of energy consumption and green house gas emissions. 14% of the global CO2 emissions is estimated to come from the ICT industry by 2040. Reducing the carbon footprint of the ICT sector itself is an urgent agenda to improve digital sustainability and ensure sustainable digital transformation.
With support from Just In Time Grant of the KGGTF, the World Bank's Digital Development Global Practice (DD) published a report, "Greening Digital in Korea: Korea Case Study for Greening ICT Sector," and studied Korea’s experience in greening its ICT sector. Korea is a leading country in introducing the green agenda to national policy initiatives and aligning its green ICT strategy with national GHG reduction targets. The report provides developing countries with valuable lessons on how the Korean government supported the development of innovative and energy-efficient digital infrastructure to decarbonize the ICT sector.
i) The World Bank Blog - The nexus of green and digital: An opportunity or a challenge?
ii) The World Bank Webinar - Green and Digital: Accelerating Climate Action. Learning from the Korean Journey.