KGGTF 2023 (Year 11) Call for Proposals Now Open!


The Korea Green Growth Trust Fund (KGGTF) is excited to announce its 2023 (Year 11) Call for Proposals, opening on April 24, 2023, and closing on July 6, 2023.

The KGGTF is a partnership between the World Bank and the Republic of Korea. It was established in 2011 to support the World Bank and its client countries operationalize inclusive green growth initiatives, strategies, and investments. The KGGTF’s programs, including analytical and advisory services, are fully integrated within the World Bank’s country financing and policy dialogue across seven sectors. By supporting and leveraging World Bank operations the KGGTF accelerates green growth and sustainable development and supports countries towards achieving their Sustainable Development Goals. To date, funding has been approved for 196 programs in agriculture and food, digital development, energy, environment, transport, urban and water sectors.

Over the course of KGGTF operations, demand has increased for sharing technical green growth know-how, accessing experts, and learning from best practices around the world, which has led to investment negotiations and lending. The KGGTF Team is grateful for your continued efforts to foster sustainable green economic growth in coordination with Regional and GP managements and clients.

The focus of the 2023 Call for Proposals will be on the operationalization of the Bank’s Green, Reseilient, Inclusive Development (GRID) strategy. Korea’s Ministry of Economy and Finance (MOEF) has approved the opening of KGGTF’s Year 11 Call for Proposals, and the funding envelope is $10 million USD.

KGGTF GP Partners:

  1. Agriculture & Food
  2. Digital Development
  3. Energy & Extractives
  4. Environment, Natural Resources & the Blue Economy
  5. Transport
  6. Urban, Resilience & Land
  7. Water

Governance and Administration:

The KGGTF Review Committee comprises the SD Chief Economist, Global Directors of 7 GPs (AGF, ENB, URL, WTR, DD, EEX & ITR), and the KGGTF Program Manager. Global Directors may appoint and delegate to Points of Contact (POCs). The Year 11 Call for Proposals process was discussed and agreed with the Review Committee and will be managed by the SD Chief Economist and KGGTF Program Manager in close consultation with the Review Committee.

The official announcement, with detailed guidelines and application materials, can be found on the World Bank Kiosk