Angola Human Resource Development and Capacity Building for Climate Resilience and Water Security
Basic Information
Grant ID: K-214
Region: Africa
Country: Angola
Approval Year: 2023
Grant Year: Year 11
Amount Approved by Donor: $600000.00
Sector: Water
Grant Status: Active
TTLs: Aleix Serrat Capdevila (Senior Water Resources Specialist)Berta Adelaide Da Silva Macheve (Senior Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist)Diego Juan Rodriguez (Lead Economist)Marco Antonio Aguero (Senior Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist) Antonio Manuel Rodriguez Serrano (Senior Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist)
Grant Activities
Project Summary:
The Project Development Objective is to improve water supply services and strengthen water resources management for climate resilience in selected areas in the Angolan territory.
List of Activities:
Activity 1: Human Resources Development Program with support from K-WATER Academy
- This component will produce a strategic plan for human resources development for the water sector of Angola, with the implementation of several training activities, and as framing context for the other components of the proposal. The main focus of this program will be on: Hydrologic Monitoring; Sustainable O&M for water infrastructure; Dam Safety and plans and other topics.
Activity 2: Integrated Systems for Flood and Drought Resilience with K-WATER
- This will include monitoring needs and integrated infrastructure operation of water resources across the basin (surface water and groundwater) for drought and flood resilience and integrated storage planning of new investments. A basin will be selected (likely the Cunene River Basin) for a full assessment of systems operation and storage investment options combining watershed/nature based solutions, groundwater and surface water storage. This will include monitoring needs and infrastructure operation and maintenance plan (including Dams) for the basin and different investment options, considering integrated operation of water resources across the basin. A monitoring program for water resources with Municipalities and in collaboration with local Universities will be developed to address the lack of capacity at national level.
Activity 3: Urban resilience and the integration of water, sanitation and drainage cycles, with KEITI
- Luanda, the capital of Angola, suffers from flooding every year, which is exacerbated by lack of sewerage and drainage system (only 10% of the population has access to sewerage system). To support the GoA in addressing this issue, this activity will provide support for the development of integrated drainage and sanitation solutions (integrating green and grey infrastructure) to mitigate flood risk and promoting green, resilient and inclusive urban growth in Luanda and in three Provincial Capitals, in collaboration with Korean organizations.
- Value of WB lending projects linked to KGGTF activities.
- Number of government officials, agency staff and YPs that benefitted for trainings and knowledge exchange activities
- Number of Angolan entities engaged in partnerships and collaborations with Korean Organizations
- Number of government officials and university staff/students that participated in development of the Monitoring Program
- Number of universities and municipalities involved in development of the Monitoring Program
- Number of municipalities committed to piloting the Monitoring Program
- Ready to prepare urban sanitation and drainage resilience project with World Bank financing
- Number of Government officials that benefit from on-the-job capacity building on development of urban water resilience plans
- Number of partnerships fostered between the Government local agencies and Korean organizations
Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:
This grant will benefit from and strengthen the partnership with qualified Korean institutions and their extensive experience in human resources development in the water sector, specifically with K-Water and K-Water Academy, and KEITI. Their past experiences of having developed and implemented high-quality and contextualized human resources development programs, through past KGGTF grants in Uganda, Uzbekistan, and elsewhere are optimally suited for collaboration in the advancement of Angola’s water sector, especially in relation to its climate preparedness and resilience.