Strengthening the Capacity of Kenya County Governments and Water Services Providers to Design and Implement Green and Climate Resilient Water Supply Systems
Basic Information
Grant ID: K-215
Region: Africa
Country: Kenya
Approval Year: 2023
Grant Year: Year 11
Amount Approved by Donor: $500000.00
Sector: Water
Grant Status: Active
TTLs: Pascaline Wanjiku Ndungu (Senior Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist)Victor Vazquez Alvarez (Senior Water Specialist)
Grant Activities
Project Summary:
The objective of this grant is to support capacity building and institutional strengthening of County Governments and their Water Services Providers (WSPs) to facilitate high quality planning, design, and development of climate resilient rural water sector investments that support green growth, and to ensure that these investments are sustainably operated and maintained.
List of Activities:
- Technical support for the development of comprehensive County-wide Water and Sanitation Strategies and Investment Plans (CWSSIPs)
- Technical support to WSPs for preparation of comprehensive Performance Improvement Action Plans (PIAPs) and bankable projects.
- Training and Capacity building and knowledge exchange. This component will support the strengthening of County Governments water departments and their WSPs in the delivery of universal rural WASH services that promote green growth
- Approximately 95 managers, engineers and construction supervisors have completed training on applying the design manual and the standards
- One Policy Note and one blog on Design and Operation of Climate-Resilient Rural Water Supply Systems in Kenya prepared
- Approximately 30 County Government and WSP staff have completed a knowledge exchange tour to Korea
Collaboration with K-Partners and Others:
- This grant will leverage resources from other partners financing green ODA investments including KOICA and USAID
- K-Water