The KGGTF provided 'Just-In-Time' funding, through the World Bank Transport Team in Egypt, to support cooperation between the Egyptian Ministry of Transport (MOT) and KNUT. As Egypt is in its green growth transition, particularly in the transport sector, KGGTF's support is helping MOT to train Egypt's transport professionals in designing and managing sustainable green transport projects.

As part of the cooperation, KNUT recently organized an invitational training program for Egyptian delegates where they showcased K-Transport higher education programs through collaborative efforts between academia and industry. Additionally, delegates participated in facility tours and meetings with officials from various industries conducting business in Egypt (Korea Railroad Research Institute, Hyundai Rotem, Korea Railroad, Korea National Railway).
Date & Venue: February 17 - 24, 2024 | Korea National University of Transportation, Chungju, Korea
Grant: Egypt Green Transport Master Plan and Data Management System to Support Digital Transformation of the Transport Sector and Intelligent Transport Systems
Year Approved: 2019
TTL: Arturo Ardila Gomez, Global Lead for Urban Mobility and Lead Transport Economist, WBG