The workshop took place on March 21, 2024, at the World Bank Ulaanbaatar office and showcased achievements of KGGTF grant activities in Mongolia. Grant teams presented grant activities; introduced technologies, solutions, or good practices enabled via KGGTF grants and Korea partnership; and introduced their scalable impacts through linked World Bank projects.
Opening (9:30am-9:40am)
- Welcome Remarks: Tae Hyun Lee, Country Manager for Mongolia, World Bank
KGGTF Presentation and Discussion (9:40am-10:00 am) (Presentation)
- Hyoung Gun Wang, KGGTF Program Manager, World Bank
Digital Development - Green Data Center Strategy in Mongolia (10:00am -10:30am) (Presentation)
- Amarbayasgalan Dorj, ET Consultant, Digital Development, World Bank
- Siou Chew Kuek, Senior Digital Development Specialist, World Bank
Transport - On-Demand Transit Service to Improve the Accessibility of Ulaanbaatar's Vulnerable Population (10:30am -11:00am) (Presentation)
- Munkhjargal Ayurzana, Infrastructure Specialist, World Bank
Water - Mongolia: Utilization of treated water from over melting ice in the “ger” district area for the heating system in eastern part of Ulaanbaatar city (11:10am -11:40am) (Presentation)
- Dorjsuren Dechinlkhundev, Consultant, World Bank
- Bolor Dorjderem, Consultant, World Bank
- James Tay, Water Specialist, World Bank
- Munkhjargal Enkhjargal, Chief Engineer, Amgalan Heating Plant
- Davaanyam Tegshjargal, Officer at the Natural Resources Policy Coordination Department, Ministry of Environment and Tourism
- Saikhanjargal Davag-Ochir, Head of Monitoring division, Water Authority
Energy - Battery Energy Storage Assessment in Mongolia (11:40am -12:10pm) (Presentation)
- Yanqin Song, Senior Energy Specialist, World Bank
- Barsha Pandey, Energy Specialist, World Bank
Environment - Mongolia Resilient Green Landscapes (12:10pm -12:40pm) (Presentation)
- Orgil Batsukh, Environment Specialist, World Bank
- Giovanni Ruta, Lead Environmental Specialist, World Bank (China)
- Mr. Altangadas Janchivdorj, Senior Forest Research, Innovation and Technology Officer of National Forestry Agency (NFA)
- Mr. Altansukh Borya, Senior planning and budgeting Investment officer of NFA
- Ms. Zoljargal, Forestry consultant of WB
Closing (12:40-12:50pm)
- Tae Hyun Lee, Country Manager for Mongolia, World Bank
- Hyoung Gun Wang, KGGTF Program Manager
*PowerPoints will be available shortly