KGID Jeju 2024 Grant Team Spotlight | Developing a Green, Integrated, and Smart Public Transit System in Kumasi

Korea Green Innovation Days (KGID) is a flagship knowledge-sharing event on Green Growth organized and funded by the World Bank Korea Green Growth Trust Fund (KGGTF). Now in its 13th edition, KGID has a rich history of facilitating the exchange of practical examples and innovative approaches to achieving sustainable development. 

Over twenty World Bank project teams, with representatives from client countries benefiting from KGGTF grants, will participate in this diverse gathering that highlights project impacts, real-life examples, and creative solutions from development practitioners, offering insights into innovative policies and technologies while fostering networking through pre-arranged bilateral meetings. 

Below is a spotlight of one of the grant teams attending KGID Jeju 2024.


Grant name: Developing a Green, Integrated, and Smart Public Transit System in Kumasi

Sector(s): Transport, Urban, Resilience & Land

Grant Year: Year 11 (2023)          

TTL:  Haileyesus Adamtei Mengesha, Senior Transport Specialist

Grant objective: The grant supports the development of green, resilient and inclusive public transport system in Kumasi through:

1) strategizing the green transition of the public transport industry;

2) improving multimodal integration of urban transport infrastructure;

3) greening urban growth with coordinated planning and Transit-oriented Development (TOD); and

4) institutional capacity building.

The grant supports the preparation and implementation of the Kumasi Urban Mobility and Accessibility Project (KUMAP), which aims to improve mobility, safety, and accessibility along selected corridors, and to improve planning capacity for sustainable urban growth in the Greater Kumasi Metropolitan Area.

Who are the intended beneficiaries?: Institutions involved in the project preparation through capacity building and trainings, among others.   

What K-Partners does your grant work with?

  • TBD

Have you attended KGID before?

  • 1-time

What do you hope to take away by attending KGID 2024?

  • Gain insights and knowledge into green growth agenda, and identify partnerships and networking with green growth experts for collaboration

Are there any interesting stories, insights etc. that you would like to share about your grant thus far? 

  • The grant supported capacity building and training of paratransit operators, and land use planning baseline data collection which the team would like to share, among others.